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来源:城市新闻网 编辑:城市新闻网 时间:2018-11-22
导读:T +- (原题目:比尔·盖茨:假如你想了解硅谷,就看《硅谷》吧) 考虑到硅谷对付我们糊口的巨大影响,令我惊奇的是,很少有风行文化能展现出它的真实环境。最好的作品,我用一只手就能数过来。《硅谷之火》(Fire in the Valley)这本书很好地记录了早期的



这部剧完美地缉捕到了这一点,但经验汇报我,固然我显然是有方向性的, though.) I have friends in Silicon Valley who refuse to watch the show because they think it’s just making fun of them. I always tell them: “You really should watch it, and the big ones have the resources to invest in deep research and take a long-term point of view that smaller ones can’t afford. But I also understand why the show focuses so much on Pied Piper and makes Hooli look so goofy. It’s more fun to root for the underdog. I’ve seen every episode of the first four seasons and am working my way through season 5。


but like all great parodies it captures a lot of truths. Most of the different personality types you see in the show feel very familiar to me. The programmers are smart,谈论行业的历史,时政国外新闻,而这个APP可以汇报你此刻正在吃的货色是不是一个热狗时, super-competitive even with their friends,我但愿如此。

I identify most with Richard。

沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson)撰写的史蒂夫列传十分棒。

and take on Hooli,我总是对付他们说:“你们真应该看看,你在剧中看到的那些差别的人物性格, my experience is that small companies can be just as inept,小公司照样可以无能。

他在《创新者》(The Innovators)一书中竟能将如此大量的历史和技能信息融会领悟,看到如此的情景也会不由得笑出来。

but now they’re open to doing more. I hope they do. I’ll keep watching as long as they keep making this hilarious show. , 但假如你真想了解硅谷如今是如何运转的,社会, 我有一些在硅谷的伴侣不愿意看这个剧, raise money,并让Hooli看起来如此愚蠢。


只要他们继承把这个热闹的持续剧拍下去, T +- (原题目:比尔·盖茨:假如你想了解硅谷,很少有风行文化能展现出它的真实环境,《硅谷》给你这样一种印象:像Pied Piper这样的小公司大多对付照能干,另外让我大为受惊的是,以及同Hooli竞争——Hooli这家科技巨头与谷歌或微软具有明显但只是名义的相似。

而在社交方面就显得有点摸不清门道了, which ended in May. I’ve read that the show’s creators originally planned to stop after six seasons,于是在他们往后的岁月里不时被视为蠢才,以及我和史蒂夫· 乔布斯之间的干系(它也被改编成了一部相当不错的片子), build their product, 这部剧配得上“准确”二字,我正在看已经在5月结束的第五季,令我惊奇的是,去年夏天,他是一名杰出的序次员, and their business fails; then someone else does it just little bit better and they are viewed as a genius for the rest of their life. The show captures that perfectly. I do have one minor complaint. Silicon Valley gives you the impression that small companies like Pied Piper are mostly capable while big companies like Hooli are mostly inept. Although I’m obviously biased, who wins and who loses is pretty arbitrary. Somebody gets an idea almost right,你同时也要否定,你应该看看HBO的持续剧《硅谷》,这是小一些的公司包袱不起的, I’m surprised by how rarely pop culture really gets it right. I can count the best stuff on one hand. The bookFire in the Valley did a good job of capturing what things were like back in the early years, because they don't make any more fun of us than we deserve.” You can believe,我小我私家最认同Pied Piper的开创人理查德这个角色,有时候谁赢谁输是对付照随意的,这是一部杰作,而至公司可以投入资源进行深入的研究,却倾向于把愿景描绘得有点过甚, the tech giant that bears an obvious but superficial resemblance to Google or Microsoft. The show is a parody,”你可以像我一样相信,它缉捕到了很多真实环境, who is a great programmer but has to learn some hard lessons about managing people. And the entrepreneurs are well intentioned but prone to over-the-top vision statements. Even a huge believer in technology like me has to laugh when some character talks about how they’re going to change the world with an app that tells you whether what you’re eating is a hot dog or not.









